The movement of the crystal with various light reflections on the body shows a multidimensional expression.
( Fukuko Ando )


Adding more stitches to the top of the pin-tuck creates a stitching wave with movement
( Fukuko Ando )
Crochet & Spangle

The hand made crochet with several materials opens up the creativity of sensation
( Fukuko Ando )

Spiral lines around the body destroy the notion of seams as a preconception. Open your mind, spiral lines around the body break the prejudice in your brain. If the seam line changes, the perception of the body changes.
( Fukuko Ando )

By drawing a geometric pattern on the body and patchworking it, the geometric pattern hidden in the body is expressed in three dimensions.
( Fukuko Ando )
Draw a geometric pattern on the body and patchwork it. Human body makes geometrical figures to which the materials should correspond.

A new surface effect is created by putting all the seams on the surface and wrapping them.
( Fukuko Ando )

The nerves / pin – tack on the fabric create the natural shape on the body and give the original decoration on the fabric
( Fukuko Ando )

Shibori is a Japanese manual resist dyeing technique, which produces a number of different patterns on fabric
( Fukuko Ando )

The effect between shadow and light gives the most presence to the body
( Fukuko Ando )

The flexibility of bias fabric creates the shape on the body
( Fukuko Ando )