

Ionic columns in Pershing Hall – Paris reminded me of a Greek temple

Like the future stars of the Pleiades, growing like new plants from the earth, swaying in the wind of ancient mythology

( Fukuko Ando )

Pleiades : Seven Sisters

Seven Sisters
Seven Souls
Seven Souls live in you
The first dwells at the tips of your toes
While the second to the sixth swirl round you,
Up to your crown
The seventh abides still higher
All seven pulsate with life

Truth – Exists. CELAENO
Love-Grows. STEROPE
Harmony-Moves. TAYGETA
Awareness-Creates. ELECTRA
Peace-Rests. MAYA
Happiness -Transcends all. MEROPE
Plenitude-Eternal Joy AlCYONE

Seven Sisters
Seven Souls
We are different
We are ONE

Pleiades Pershing Hall
Champs Elysées – Paris

Fukuko Ando
Year: 2006

Juan 2Santos / Artistic Direction
Luigi Migani / Dolls Photos
Michael Wayne Plant / Exposition Photos
Jorge Govea / Sound Design
Fxballéry / Scenography
Naomi Lebbadi / Photo And Design
Kiki de Salvertes / ℅ Totem Contact Press

Special Thanks to:

Swarowsky / “Satya” Crystal Decoration Dress
Anne Brancaleone
Corinne Martinez
Philippe Saugier
Carole Belenus
Philippe Test
Muriel Elinger
Irène Tsuji
Katrin Hanneschläer

Michael Wayne Plant