
The Theory of Everything


On a subtle level, a dress can be said to express the 4 fundamental forces/ interactions of nature and their different relative intensities, very much as the structure of the humain being does. These 4 forces organize and structure all interactions on the dimensional, temporal and spatial levels, according to the Theory of Everything.

On a subtle level, the dress can be said to express the 4 fundamental forces/ interactions of nature and their different relative intensities, very much as the structure of the humain being does. These 4 forces organize and structure all interactions on the dimensional, temporal and spatial levels, according to the Theory of Everything.

Fukuko Ando

The dress has its own inherent vibration. As we follow that vibration, the dress literally takes on its shape, color, characteristics. The dress becomes its vibration as part of Everything. This vibration finds its way to the cells and the very atoms within the body. The body and the dress vibrate together, inwardly as well as outwardly.

Everything that exists in nature has resonance, creating connection and communication. Life finds its unity in direct connection with Everything through the medium of resonance.The dress resonates in the flesh, in the memory and in the mind. This unification between the body and the dress generates a new resonance.

Being aware, from moment to moment, of the hart’s breath, the energy, particles and waves which give rise to the ceaseless transformation of all forms.

The body is changing each and every moment, yet it is stable in time and space. These aspects of body overlap in an act synchronous manner. Seen from a multidimensional perspective, the dress becomes infinitely small and infinitely large, microcosm and macrocosm, as does the subtle composition of the body; from celle to atom or DNA.
The unified dress is a dress of vibration, sharp, color, organization, free from all fixedness in the body. It is a complete UNIFICATION of the present moment.