
La Fleur du TEMPS

New Birth

The sound of time arises in the Universe, above and beyond time.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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