

Union and Dissolution:
The time of the androgynies.
ONE essential vibration, having come from the Heavens and from the Earth, the miracle of Oneness resonating above and below.

The new DNA has given a newborn infant.
Man and Woman are united. This is the miracle of life.
This was and will be our original human being in universal memory.
I have arrived at 12.
We are One.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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12-robes Le VERBE Créateur

Le VERBE Créateur X

After the pouring of water from above, long silence.

And the Creative WORD is the birth of eternal light – the New DNA

As my body filled with Infinite love,

the seed of birth, it is DNA, that became manifest.
I felt that a new DNA had awoken at the centre of the Universe.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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12-robes Le VERBE Créateur

Le VERBE Créateur Y

After the pouring of water from above, long silence.

And the Creative WORD is the birth of eternal light – the New DNA

As my body filled with Infinite love,

the seed of birth, it is DNA, that became manifest.
I felt that a new DNA had awoken at the centre of the Universe.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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Le Feu du CIEL

Water from the heavens,

Water from above, bringing boundless love, endlessly flowing.

The flame of the “Fire of Spirit” ascended to heaven.

The flame turned to water.
The water of love circulated in my body.
I had a sense of Infinite love.
Memories of the past were transformed into Infinite love.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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Le Feu de l’ESPRIT

The flame of spirit burns,

but does not consume itself.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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La Fleur du TEMPS

New Birth

The sound of time arises in the Universe, above and beyond time.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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12-robes Le GRAAL Nouvelle Tri Unité

Le GRAAL 3 – nouvelle Tri-unité –

Three Grail dresses are ONE

The quest for a sacred object as life’s goal, even risking one’s very life, demonstrates that one’s purpose may be more important than one’s own existence.

The Grail is a quest for the truth about Life

The Blood of the truth of our existence.
To create these dresses I had to experience the quest for the truth
between life and death.
It was a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

Le GRAAL 3 – 01
Le GRAAL 3 – 02
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Le GRAAL 3 – 06
Le GRAAL 3 – 07
Le GRAAL 3 – 08
Le GRAAL 3 – 09
Le GRAAL 3 – 10
Le GRAAL 3 – 11
Le GRAAL 3 – 12
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12-robes Le GRAAL Nouvelle Tri Unité

Le GRAAL 2 – nouvelle Tri-Unité –

Three Grail dresses are ONE

The quest for a sacred object as life’s goal, even risking one’s very life, demonstrates that one’s purpose may be more important than one’s own existence.

The Grail is a quest for the truth about Life

The Blood of the truth of our existence.
To create these dresses I had to experience the quest for the truth
between life and death.
It was a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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Le GRAAL 2 -09
Le GRAAL 2 -10
Le GRAAL 2 -11
Le GRAAL 2 -12
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12-robes Le GRAAL Nouvelle Tri Unité

Le GRAAL 1 – nouvelle Tri -Unité –

Three Grail dresses are ONE

The quest for a sacred object as life’s goal, even risking one’s very life, demonstrates that one’s purpose may be more important than one’s own existence.

The Grail is a quest for the truth about Life

The Blood of the truth of our existence.
To create these dresses I had to experience the quest for the truth
between life and death.
It was a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

Le GRAAL 1-01
Le GRAAL 1-02
Le GRAAL 1-03
Le GRAAL 1-04
Le GRAAL 1-05
Le GRAAL 1-06
Le GRAAL 1-07
Le GRAAL 1-08
Le GRAAL 1-09
Le GRAAL 1-10
Le GRAAL 1-11
Le GRAAL 1-12
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12-robes Le Code MAYA

Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or

Cycles of time in the Galaxy.
The Maya calendar.

The Maya Code reveals the original memory of our galactic birth.
I have seen the galactic body.

A tiny region of the Milky Way

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-01
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-02
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-03
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-04
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-05
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Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-07
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-08
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-09
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-10
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-11
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-12
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12-robes Le Code MAYA

Le Code MAYA – X – l’argent

Cycles of time in the Galaxy.
The Maya calendar.

The Maya Code reveals the original memory of our galactic birth.
I have seen the galactic body.

Over ten million stars.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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The Archangel  METATRON

The Archangel
is the most powerful light of the archangels.

I wanted to begin creating the first dress from the power of that light,
forming the intention of completing 12 dresses.

C – D – E – B – A
Floating in empty space,
millions of light-years separate them from each other.
Galaxies are the cells of the Universe.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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