Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No14

Mandala Lotus No14

Taffeta  silk / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No13

Mandala Lotus No13

RENAISSANCE   New born step 3 final

Taffeta  silk / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No12

Mandala Lotus No12

RENAISSANCE   New born step 2

Taffeta  silk / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No11

Mandala Lotus No11

RENAISSANCE   New born step 1

Taffeta  Polyester / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No10

Mandala Lotus No10

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Taffeta  Polyester / Embroidery thread

Breathing is the beginning of everything. Inhale, exhale, hope and love expand. Receive all blessings, the blue blessing is water and the blessing of red is fire. There is water in the fire and there is fire in the water. It’s the secret of life.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No9

Mandala Lotus No9

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Taffeta  Polyester / Embroidery thread

Breathing is the beginning of everything. Inhale, exhale, hope and love expand. Receive all blessings, the blue blessing is water and the blessing of red is fire. There is water in the fire and there is fire in the water. It’s the secret of life.


Mandala Lotus / Future

Mandala Lotus / Future

“Like the truth of a pure lotus flower blooming from muddy water“

Creating these 48 Mandala Lotus Dresses, here at this elder stage of my life, is hope, awareness and prayer. Creation is a source of pure inspiration taking form as the human life force.Inspiration arises from within, when you feel the truth burning within you. I follow that inspiration.The consciousness of the Mandala Lotus was born out of an effort to preserve pure light as inspiration in this chaotic world, a place like muddy water.To create a pure lotus flower out of muddy water, we need to keep our own hearts pure, offering effort and perseverance in endless hours and moments, to that presence of purity and tranquillity.

Yes, what we need to know above all is the law of effort. If we forget this necessity, we must pay the price of physical and mental degeneration: our consciousness loses its power to follow inspiration. And creation may be selflessness. With constant patience, eliminating one’s own thoughts, eliminating one’s ego, connecting with inspiration without being distracted by the muddy spirit of the world.

Like Mount Fuji which stands tall and unaffected by the chaos of this world. Even if the earth is polluted, the summit of Mt. Fuji towers above, ever pure. Our life force is naturally maintained by the cosmic order. The fundamental reality of life, the sublime joy of human existence, no matter how miserable, bitter, or dirty the world may be. If beautiful, shining lotus flowers exist in this world, may we not also live like them? That awareness should change this world.

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.For me, the effort to break through the muddy waters of this world is the perseverance to use fabric and thread to carve an eternity out of this world’s moments. It is a time of patience that transforms each stitch into eternity.

I empty myself. Only the presence of cloth, thread, and one needle weave eternal time. I am not there. In this world of greed, dirt, and deadly laziness, every movement of my hand dreams of a future lotus flower. One day when the 48 lotus dresses bloom, it will surely become a great mandala. The time will come when its absoluteness will pierce the darkness of this world, and with patience and effort, connecting each moment with inspiration, there will dawn an era in which newborn truths shall bloom. Like Mt. Fuji, which stands tall, unaffected by the poisons of this world.I believe in this hope, and this is why I weave the intention of the mandala into eternity, moment by moment, with every movement of my hand.

Related Post :



Union and Dissolution:
The time of the androgynies.
ONE essential vibration, having come from the Heavens and from the Earth, the miracle of Oneness resonating above and below.

The new DNA has given a newborn infant.
Man and Woman are united. This is the miracle of life.
This was and will be our original human being in universal memory.
I have arrived at 12.
We are One.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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12-robes Le VERBE Créateur

Le VERBE Créateur X

After the pouring of water from above, long silence.

And the Creative WORD is the birth of eternal light – the New DNA

As my body filled with Infinite love,

the seed of birth, it is DNA, that became manifest.
I felt that a new DNA had awoken at the centre of the Universe.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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12-robes Le VERBE Créateur

Le VERBE Créateur Y

After the pouring of water from above, long silence.

And the Creative WORD is the birth of eternal light – the New DNA

As my body filled with Infinite love,

the seed of birth, it is DNA, that became manifest.
I felt that a new DNA had awoken at the centre of the Universe.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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Le Feu du CIEL

Water from the heavens,

Water from above, bringing boundless love, endlessly flowing.

The flame of the “Fire of Spirit” ascended to heaven.

The flame turned to water.
The water of love circulated in my body.
I had a sense of Infinite love.
Memories of the past were transformed into Infinite love.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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Le Feu de l’ESPRIT

The flame of spirit burns,

but does not consume itself.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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La Fleur du TEMPS

New Birth

The sound of time arises in the Universe, above and beyond time.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

I completed my quest, finished “The Grail” dresses: a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

fleur du temps – 01
fleur du temps – 02
fleur du temps – 03
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fleur du temps – 07
fleur du temps – 08
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fleur du temps – 11
fleur du temps – 12
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12-robes Le GRAAL Nouvelle Tri Unité

Le GRAAL 3 – nouvelle Tri-unité –

Three Grail dresses are ONE

The quest for a sacred object as life’s goal, even risking one’s very life, demonstrates that one’s purpose may be more important than one’s own existence.

The Grail is a quest for the truth about Life

The Blood of the truth of our existence.
To create these dresses I had to experience the quest for the truth
between life and death.
It was a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

Le GRAAL 3 – 01
Le GRAAL 3 – 02
Le GRAAL 3 – 03
Le GRAAL 3 – 04
Le GRAAL 3 – 05
Le GRAAL 3 – 06
Le GRAAL 3 – 07
Le GRAAL 3 – 08
Le GRAAL 3 – 09
Le GRAAL 3 – 10
Le GRAAL 3 – 11
Le GRAAL 3 – 12
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12-robes Le GRAAL Nouvelle Tri Unité

Le GRAAL 2 – nouvelle Tri-Unité –

Three Grail dresses are ONE

The quest for a sacred object as life’s goal, even risking one’s very life, demonstrates that one’s purpose may be more important than one’s own existence.

The Grail is a quest for the truth about Life

The Blood of the truth of our existence.
To create these dresses I had to experience the quest for the truth
between life and death.
It was a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

Le GRAAL 2 -01
Le GRAAL 2 -02
Le GRAAL 2 -03
Le GRAAL 2 -04
Le GRAAL 2 -05
Le GRAAL 2 -06
Le GRAAL 2 -07
Le GRAAL 2 -08
Le GRAAL 2 -09
Le GRAAL 2 -10
Le GRAAL 2 -11
Le GRAAL 2 -12
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12-robes Le GRAAL Nouvelle Tri Unité

Le GRAAL 1 – nouvelle Tri -Unité –

Three Grail dresses are ONE

The quest for a sacred object as life’s goal, even risking one’s very life, demonstrates that one’s purpose may be more important than one’s own existence.

The Grail is a quest for the truth about Life

The Blood of the truth of our existence.
To create these dresses I had to experience the quest for the truth
between life and death.
It was a great transformation.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

Le GRAAL 1-01
Le GRAAL 1-02
Le GRAAL 1-03
Le GRAAL 1-04
Le GRAAL 1-05
Le GRAAL 1-06
Le GRAAL 1-07
Le GRAAL 1-08
Le GRAAL 1-09
Le GRAAL 1-10
Le GRAAL 1-11
Le GRAAL 1-12
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12-robes Le Code MAYA

Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or

Cycles of time in the Galaxy.
The Maya calendar.

The Maya Code reveals the original memory of our galactic birth.
I have seen the galactic body.

A tiny region of the Milky Way

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-01
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-02
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-03
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-04
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-05
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-06
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-07
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-08
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-09
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-10
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-11
Le Code MAYA – Y – l’or-12
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12-robes Le Code MAYA

Le Code MAYA – X – l’argent

Cycles of time in the Galaxy.
The Maya calendar.

The Maya Code reveals the original memory of our galactic birth.
I have seen the galactic body.

Over ten million stars.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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The Archangel  METATRON

The Archangel
is the most powerful light of the archangels.

I wanted to begin creating the first dress from the power of that light,
forming the intention of completing 12 dresses.

C – D – E – B – A
Floating in empty space,
millions of light-years separate them from each other.
Galaxies are the cells of the Universe.

Sound is a particular type of vibration for the universe
to manifest itself through waves that can be captured by something or someone.

We now know that the entire universe vibrates:
matter, atoms, light, color . We can thus say that we are nothing but one sound , a vibration.”

“HEXAGON door invites you to the riddle of life.
You are even ENIGMA life.”

( Fukuko Ando )

“Life has always manifested in many ways the natural architecture that enable our entire reality .

Geometry is one of the ways that allows us to contemplate or to understand what is hidden to our eyes, as the riddle of life.

The hexagon could express all the basic energy structures of the universe known and unknown through his Sacred Geometry, as well as “The Platonic solids” contains this infinite and inexhaustible information available to us all .”

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Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No8

Mandala Lotus No8

Lotus petals open in this world. The truth that turns 7 times and rises on the 8th. Courage and Patience. Walking, step by step.

Taffeta  Polyester / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No7

Mandala Lotus No7

Lotus petals open in this world. The truth that turns 7 times and rises on the 8th. Courage and Patience. Walking, step by step.

Taffeta  Polyester / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No6

Mandala Lotus No6

After darkness and evil are swallowed by the great flower of light, quietly, surely, slowly, blood vessels of light begin to flow.The veins of light pass through everything.

Taffeta  Polyester / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No5

Mandala Lotus No5

The power of light eats up all darkness and evil, and the flower of light blooms. Everything is swallowed up by the great flower of light.

Taffeta  silk / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.


Mandala Lotus / Creation Process

The Dress as a Sculpture

In my work, a piece of fabric is transformed into a dress through an intense and unbroken engagement with each wave of change in the fabric’s own swell and movement.

The starting point is a flat piece of fabric. Sewing a raised broderie into this flat surface introduces a new three-dimensional note, creating waves of movement and new shapes and swell as the fabric responds.

I make a single cut into the new swell in the fabric. The fabric responds again and

I follow the fabric’s waves of movement intuitively. From action to response, the story of this dress is being written, moment to moment, as each change and response happens.

My hands have to see and grasp the story that the fabric is telling. The fabric takes on a life of its own, with new mandalas flowering in it, one after another.

More complex shapes are created by cross cuts, twists in the fabric, new broderies.

After a long time, my hands become still. The dress is complete: a piece of fabric has become a living mandala.

I work so that different dimensions can flower one by one on the same piece of fabric, just as the petals of a lotus flower open one after another.

Like the cell and the body, we can zoom in to see the micro-mandalas sewn into the detail of the dress, and we can stand back to see the macro-mandala of the whole dress.

Fukuko Ando

Related Post :


Creation Process

May all people in the world be content. May they see the lotus spark in all others, and may the light of love shine in our hearts. May all live in harmony.

Fukuko Ando

The Dress as a Sculpture

In my work, a piece of fabric is transformed into a dress through an intense and unbroken engagement with each wave of change in the fabric’s own swell and movement.

The starting point is a flat piece of fabric. Sewing a raised broderie into this flat surface introduces a new three-dimensional note, creating waves of movement and new shapes and swell as the fabric responds. 

I make a single cut into the new swell in the fabric. The fabric responds again and

I follow the fabric’s waves of movement intuitively. From action to response, the story of this dress is being written, moment to moment, as each change and response happens. 

My hands have to see and grasp the story that the fabric is telling. The fabric takes on a life of its own, with new mandalas flowering in it, one after another.

More complex shapes are created by cross cuts, twists in the fabric, new broderies.

After a long time, my hands become still. The dress is complete: a piece of fabric has become a living mandala.

I work so that different dimensions can flower one by one on the same piece of fabric, just as the petals of a lotus flower open one after another.

Like the cell and the body, we can zoom in to see the micro-mandalas sewn into the detail of the dress, and we can stand back to see the macro-mandala of the whole dress.

Fukuko Ando

A piece of fabric becomes a lotus mandala dress.

The fabric is like the soil in which to sow the seeds of the mandala.

The needle becomes the mandala seed.

Each stitch draws a new world.

Cutting the fabric brings forth a new dimensional space.

New petals open in a new space. A new life opens skyward.

The opening of a new life expresses the mandala consciousness. 

The fabric is imbued with consciousness.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No4

Mandala Lotus No4

Blue rose. Blue light. The light of the blue rose reaches deep into the ground to open the stone door. Everything revives. Everything is resurrected.

Taffeta silk / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.


Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus

Creating these 48 Mandala Lotus Dresses, here at this elder stage of my life, is hope, awareness and prayer. Creation is a source of pure inspiration taking form as the human life force.

Inspiration arises from within, when you feel the truth burning within you. I follow that inspiration.

The consciousness of the Mandala Lotus was born out of an effort to preserve pure light as inspiration in this chaotic world, a place like muddy water.

Yes, what we need to know above all is the law of effort. If we forget this necessity, we must pay the price of physical and mental degeneration: our consciousness loses its power to follow inspiration.

And creation may be selflessness. With constant patience, eliminating one’s own thoughts, eliminating one’s ego, connecting with inspiration without being distracted by the muddy spirit of the world.

Like Mount Fuji which stands tall and unaffected by the chaos of this world.

Our life force is naturally maintained by the cosmic order. The fundamental reality of life, the sublime joy of human existence, no matter how miserable, bitter, or dirty the world may be. If beautiful, shining lotus flowers exist in this world, may we not also live like them? That awareness should change this world.

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

For me, the effort to break through the muddy waters of this world is the perseverance to use fabric and thread to carve an eternity out of this world’s moments. It is a time of patience that transforms each stitch into eternity.

I empty myself.

Only the presence of cloth, thread, and one needle weave eternal time. I am not there. In this world of greed, dirt, and deadly laziness, every movement of my hand dreams of a future lotus flower.

One day when the 48 lotus dresses bloom, it will surely become a great mandala. The time will come when its absoluteness will pierce the darkness of this world, and with patience and effort, connecting each moment with inspiration, there will dawn an era in which newborn truths shall bloom. Like Mt. Fuji, which stands tall, unaffected by the poisons of this world.

Mandala Lotus Series

Chronological order :

Mandala Lotus 012020
Mandala Lotus 022021
Mandala Lotus 032021
Mandala Lotus 042022
Mandala Lotus 052022
Mandala Lotus 062022
Mandala Lotus 072022
Mandala Lotus 082023
Mandala Lotus 092024
Mandala Lotus 102024
Mandala Lotus 112024
Mandala Lotus 122024
Mandala Lotus 132024
Chūjō-hime (中将姫, Chūjō-himeMiddle Captain Princess)

When I was little, I read the story of Chūjō-hime (747–775). And I was very impressed.I always remembered that I longed for the process that the lotus thread was pulled out, and when it touched flowers of various colors,  the thread was dyed like a dream and the mandala was completed.

Fukuko Ando

Here you can find my creation process :

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No3

Mandala Lotus No3

The ritual fire becomes a flame. Purifying flowers in the burning time. The flower of flame burns.

Taffeta  Polyester / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No2

Mandala Lotus No2

Mother crystal flower. Mother crystal flower that exists in the transparent wave of time. Mother crystal flowers make a lot of seeds. It is mother

Taffeta  silk / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.

Mandala Lotus

Mandala Lotus No1

Mandala Lotus No1

Swamp of time. The moment when a miracle flower is born from the green light. The light of the source of creation

Taffeta silk / Embroidery thread

A lotus flower is life-centred, shining beyond everything. The lotus flower is not affected by muddy water. It is a symbol of joy that shines through the mud. A person’s true joy and happiness must arise after they overcome hardships and break through muddy waters, like a lotus flower blooming.